Monday, February 21, 2011

Elizabeth (Lillig) Pittrich

A young Elizabeth (Lizzie) Pittrich who would later move to Kansas City to escape work on the farm and eventually marry Kless Lillig in Kansas City.
Frank Pittrich (with lantern) and his family on a hunting/fishing campout. Wife, Elizabeth Kirchner, children, Andrew, Mildred, Louise, Clement. About 1914. The others are Elizabeth's in-laws I think.

Frank (Franz) and Elizabeth wedding photo around 1900/1901, Missouri.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Johanna Frances Braun

This is probably her wedding photo, black was the commonly used color at this time. She would have been 25 years old here. She and John Pittrich were married November 20, 1866 in Jefferson City, Missouri.

I have had my greatest research success with her lines. She was born in Lautenbach-Zell in Alsace, part of modern day France. I have traced some of her lines back nine generations to the 1600s all in this one little village. Toni and I were able to visit it on our first trip to Europe a few years back.

Johanna Frances (Braun) Pittrich
January 3, 1841 - January 1, 1915
This painting was in a oval frame with curved glass. This was actually a process used at the time of taking a photograph and making it look like a portrait painting.
I last saw it hanging in the small bedroom above the garage at Grandma's house in Mission. I hope someone grabbed it and it is secure somewhere. I would really like to get a better photograph of it one day. If anyone knows where it is please let me know.

John Pittrich

John Pittrich lived to be 90 years old. He served briefly in the Civil War in Missouri on the Union side and he received a small pension until his death in 1926. He served for three months, June to October, 1861, as part of the Missouri Home Guards, #919751. If you do research on him you need to check spelling variations, Pittrick, Petrich, and Peterick are some I have found.

This photo is from Aunt Tillie's (Ottilia Christina Pittrich/Ryan) wedding in Jefferson City in 1917. I believe that Grandma Lavery was in the wedding as she and a cousin are in several of the photos.

This is at his Jefferson City home where he lived after selling his farm and retiring. The brick house still stands.

Again, at his home in Jefferson City, 310 West Dunklin. He is buried at St. Peter's Catholic Cemetery in Jefferson City. His marriage record can be found in Cole County Marriage Book C, page 162.

Grave Markers

Louisa B. Pittrich's marker. She died in her twenties in Chicago.
Buried at St. Martin's Cemetery in Lohman, Missouri.
Older sister to Elizabeth Katherine (Pittrich) Lillig.

Katherine (Oldemeyer) Pittrich
April 3, 1803 Austria - September 28, 1875 Stringtown, Missouri (now known as Lohman).
She went by Katie. Her oldest son was John, father of Elizabeth Lillig. Immigrated between 1848/1854 through New Orleans and she was listed as a widow with her four children, John, Franz/Frank, Catherine, and Charles. She first bought land in 1858. She is buried at Stringtown Cemetery. She married Franz Pittrich in Puchkirchen, Austria and all her children were born there as well.

Catherine J. (Pittrich) Linsenbard.

February 16, 1840 Puchkirchen, Austria, July 4, 1869 Lohman, Missouri. Buried in Stringtown Cemetery outside of present day Lohman.